
Supply Chain Intelligence about:

Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F

Perfil de la empresa   United States

See Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F's products and customers

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Reveal patterns in global trade

Top countries/regions supplied by Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F
Destination Country/Region
  • Japan
    82 shipments (90.1%)
  • China
    5 shipments (5.5%)
  • Netherlands
    2 shipments (2.2%)
  • Belgium
    2 shipments (2.2%)

Fácil acceso a los datos del comercio

U.S. Export Customs records organized by company

91 U.S. Export shipments available for Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F
Fecha Expedidor Peso Containers
2022-11-06 Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F 31208 KG 2
2022-08-05 Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F 11640 KG 1
2022-07-24 Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F 3202 KG 0
El dato de envío muestra cuales productos una empresa usa para el comercio y más. Aprender más

Contact information for Itochu Logistics (USA) Corp. Oti # 003910 F

335 MADISON AVENUE 23RD FLOOR NY, NY 10017 TEL: 646-862-6942 FAX: 646-862-6992