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Modelo Continente Int.Trade S.A.

Perfil de la empresa   Portugal

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Top countries/regions that supply Modelo Continente Int.Trade S.A.
Origin Country/Region
  • India
    975 shipments (52.8%)
  • Pakistan
    674 shipments (36.5%)
  • Turkey
    124 shipments (6.7%)
  • Vietnam
    74 shipments (4.0%)

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Recent Panjiva Research about Modelo Continente Int.Trade S.A.


Coronavirus not the only malady facing Mexican beer exporters

Government actions to control the spread of coronavirus have included closures of pubs and bars. That’s already cutting the sales of the brewing companies. ABInBev’s CEO, Carlos Alves, has stated that the two months of disruptions in China already “resulted in lost revenue of $285 million”. Th... Read more →