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Reveal patterns in global trade

Top countries/regions supplied by Nexans
Destination Country/Region
  • United States
    200 shipments (92.6%)
  • Vietnam
    10 shipments (4.6%)
  • Colombia
    3 shipments (1.4%)
  • Mexico
    2 shipments (0.9%)
  • Indonesia
    1 shipments (0.5%)

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200 envios a Estados Unidos
South American shipments

Registros de aduanas de Estados Unidos organizados por empresa

200 U.S. shipments available for Nexans, updated weekly since 2007
Fecha Proveedor Clientes Detalles 43 more fields
El dato de envío muestra cuales productos una empresa usa para el comercio y más. Aprender más

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Recent Panjiva Research about Nexans


Southwire, Nexans Preempt Chilean Copper Mine Strike

A potential strike at the Escondida mine in Chile has led to a 20% increase in copper prices since mid-October. The mine is the world’s largest and accounted for $1.8 billion of exports (12% of Chile’s total copper cathode shipments) in the 12 months to July 30. Chinese buyers have become more... Read more →