Ford’s South American supply chain shift follows long-term Brazil downturn — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Ford’s South American supply chain shift follows long-term Brazil downturn

Brazil 395 China 2971 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1179 Coronavirus 511 European Union 826 Quote Watch 452 U.S. 5317

Ford will end production in Brazil due to “persistent idle capacity and slow sales that have resulted in years of significant losses” and will rearrange its South American vehicle supply chain to maintain sales of all but three models in the country. The Brazilian autos industry appears stuck in a downturn with sales in December down by 7.6% year over year while a production improvement of 21.1% was largely down to a surge in exports likely linked to Volkswagen. Ford’s Brazilian downturn can be seen in its supply chain activity, with imports which dropped by 69.4% year over year in Novem...

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