Tight LA Warehousing May Slacken as Small Chinese Ports Suffer Slowdown — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Tight LA Warehousing May Slacken as Small Chinese Ports Suffer Slowdown

China 2971 Corp - Ports 880 Mode - Containerized 1468 Mode - Seaborne 1801 U.S. 5317

Warehouse availability in the Los Angeles area has shrunk as a result of the 4Q surge in imports from China in response to the risk of higher tariffs. That left industrial vacancy rates at just 1.6%. There’s likely to be a slowdown in shipments to the area though Prologis CEO, Hamid Moghadam, has stated that can “take actually a lot longer than most people think”. Indeed, seaborne containerized imports to Los Angeles and Long Beach from China dropped by as much as 9.9% year over year in January. On the China side of the equation it appears smaller ports are losing out more with shipments...

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