JBS, Tyson bank pork sales to China but support may be withdrawn — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

JBS, Tyson bank pork sales to China but support may be withdrawn

Ags - Meat/Dairy 250 China 2971 Consumer Staples 760 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5317

A continued deterioration of relations between the U.S. and China could choke off a recent surge in Chinese stated-owned firms’ purchasing of U.S. farm goods. Exports covered by the phase 1 trade deal climbed 18.1% year over year in May and surged by 39.8% versus the same period in 2017, the baseline for the deal’s commitments. Meat and cereals have led the growth. There are encouraging signs that sales have increased further with USDA data showing new corn and pork sales to China in just the four weeks to July 9 alone were equivalent to 293% and 79% of full year 2017 sales of those prod...

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