
Supply Chain Intelligence about:

Target Stores

Perfil de la empresa   United States

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Reveal patterns in global trade

Top countries/regions that supply Target Stores
Origin Country/Region
  • India
    5,059 shipments (72.2%)
  • Sri Lanka
    1,133 shipments (16.2%)
  • Pakistan
    797 shipments (11.4%)
  • Brazil
    22 shipments (0.3%)

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Recent Panjiva Research about Target Stores


Muji devastated by COVID-19, plastic tableware proves robust

Ryohin Keikaku has placed the U.S. operations of its Muji home goods stores into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection due to “the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic”. U.S. seaborne imports linked to the firm dropped by 78.9% year over year in Q2 after a 52.5% slide in Q1 and a 19.7% slid... Read more →


Q2 2020 Outlook: Through a COVID-19 lens, darkly

The outlook for global trade and supply chains is overshadowed by the continued spread of COVID-19 and the unprecedented disruptions it is causing. This report addresses six areas where COVID-19 could disrupt supply chains in the next three months. Corporations are struggling to determine the ... Read more →