Target may be next in the crosshairs after Charleston bags Walmart — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Target may be next in the crosshairs after Charleston bags Walmart

Cons. Discr. - Apparel 509 Cons. Discr. - Retailing 483 Corp - Ports 893 Mode - Containerized 1487 Mode - Seaborne 1817 U.S. 5340

Walmart is investing in a $220 million project to build a new distribution center near the Port of Charleston, SC which could draw 70,000 containers per year to the port. So far Charleston has only been a small part of Walmart’s logistics process with the port representing 3.7% of Walmart’s U.S. seaborne, inbound shipments in the 12 months to June 30, or 8,208 TEUs. That lagged the number one port which was Houston, TX with 43,426 TEUs while Charleston’s regional competitor Savannah, GA handled 31,313 TEUs. The South Carolina Ports Authority may be looking to further build its business w...

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