Building Supply Cases Validate Chinese Worries, But Not The End of The World — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Building Supply Cases Validate Chinese Worries, But Not The End of The World

Ags - Forestry 124 China 2971 Materials - Construction 113 Tariffs 1794 U.S. 5317

A central concern for Chinese exporters to the U.S. is the risk of supply chain interruptions caused by trade cases. Two of the 24 cases currently in process validate these worries. A final decision by the Commerce Department on imports of hardwood plywood will result in duties being applied of around 139%. The case has been partly successful in that Chinese exports have fallen 48% from their peak – shippers including Yuhua Timber and Layo Wood have not been able to make up the difference in sales to other markets. In the second case Commerce determined dumping of tool cases from China a...

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