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Ford Motor Co.

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Recent Panjiva Research about Ford Motor Co.


Ford announces EV plants amid battery import surge

Ford has announced plans to build a new automotive manufacturing plant for their new electric pickup trucks as well as three new battery manufacturing plants alongside Korean firm SK Innovation. The new plants will likely be looked favorably on by American policymakers who have pushed for more... Read more →


Ford, DAK May Face Spanish Port Strike Risk

Port strikes in Spain flagged by Maersk back in January have begun to take effect. Currently they are only having an impact on intra-Europe and Asia-to-Europe routes, but could spread to westbound traffic. Panjiva data shows the U.S. has been a source of export growth for Spain, with a 33% inc... Read more →


Mass, Not Trump, May Be Driver of Rassini Brake Deal

Mexican auto-part maker Rassini has signed a contract with Ford that will see it produce brake components for the Mustang in a new facility in the U.S.. This marks a reversal in the offshoring trend normally seen. The move is likely a function of cost – ie shipping vs. labor – rather than a re... Read more →