North Beats South as West Coast Port Activity Falls — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

North Beats South as West Coast Port Activity Falls

Canada 491 Corp - Ports 879 Mode - Containerized 1467 Mode - Seaborne 1800 U.S. 5316

Trade activity on the west coast of North America is slowing. Container handling through the seaports at Seattle and Tacoma fell 4.1% year over year in February, though that was in part due to the earlier lunar new year – handling in the first two months of 2019 actually increased by 3.4%. Canada’s two big west coast also saw an increase in the first two months of the year of 7.2%. Yet, the Californian ports saw a 10.7% slump in handling in February and 5.1% in the first two months of the year. As a result total handling across the region – which going forward will be driven by the outco...

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