Ports miss March off-peak lull as shipping demand remains elevated — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Ports miss March off-peak lull as shipping demand remains elevated

Corp - Ports 880 Mode - Containerized 1468 Mode - Seaborne 1801 Strikes 65 U.S. 5317

Union truck drivers at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have started a strike. While so far focused on a single logistics firm it does raise the specter of industrial action adding to the ports’ congestion challenges. Seaborne imports to the ports of LA and Long Beach climbed 98.3% year over year in March and by 65.7% versus the same period of 2019. Historically, March has been the lowest import month of the year, with elevated shipments potentially storing up problems for later if maintenance and vacations are delayed. The larger ports have also seen faster growth due to the incr...

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