JBS, Cargill have chance to rebuild Australian beef exports to U.S. — Panjiva

JBS, Cargill have chance to rebuild Australian beef exports to U.S.

Ags - Meat/Dairy 261 Australia 132 Consumer Staples 783 Mexico 906 U.S. 5362

A drop in U.S. beef production linked to COVID-19, combined with reduced demand from China due to geopolitical tensions, has led Australian farmers to target the U.S. for increased exports. Australia was already the number two beef supplier to the U.S. in the 12 months to May 31 with $1.59 billion of supplies. Yet, shipments fell by 33.1% year over year in May and by 37.7% in June as Australian exporters lost ground to Mexico’s Grupo Viz among others. In Q2 the downturn in seaborne shipments from Australia to the U.S. reached 26.3% compared to a year earlier. That was led by a 48.3% slid...

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