Nucor Wins as Rebar Import Prices Rise, But Builders Lose — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Nucor Wins as Rebar Import Prices Rise, But Builders Lose

Japan 605 Materials - Metals/Mining 755 Metals - Steel 518 Tariffs 1800 Turkey 65 U.S. 5324

The U.S. ITC has ruled that U.S. steel manufacturers were materially injured by steel rebar exports from Turkey and Japan. That allows duties of 24% to be applied to Turkish exports. Those fell 66% in April vs. March, but may fall further as they are still 29% higher than a year earlier. Japanese exports were zero. Complainants including Nucor also gain as the average import value per ton increased 43% from its low a year earlier. That will, inevitably, increase costs for builders and other users of rebar. This is one of 18 active steel cases being considered, with more likely to follow ...

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