Quota-busting Canadians present Biden with aluminum dilemma — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Quota-busting Canadians present Biden with aluminum dilemma

Canada 503 Materials - Metals/Mining 764 Metals - Aluminum 257 Tariffs 1810 U.S. 5335 UAE 25

Canadian aluminum producers breached their quota for shipments to the U.S. in December, raising the question as to whether President Biden will retain the limits, put in place by President Trump in 2020, or sacrifice them in the interest of rebuilding relations. President Biden’s decision to discard Trump’s leniency for imports from the UAE suggests he may be willing to do so for Canada, though U.S. capacity utilization remains low. U.S. imports of aluminum from Canada slumped 76.4% lower year over year in Q4’20. The widespread drop in U.S. imports of aluminum may have slowed with seabor...

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