Taco Bell’s Flatbread Shortage is Bimbo’s Opportunity to Raise Exports — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Taco Bell’s Flatbread Shortage is Bimbo’s Opportunity to Raise Exports

Consumer Staples 769 Mexico 892 U.S. 5335

Taco Bell may be facing shortages of tortillas for its signature burrito product, indicating even simple products can face supply chain challenges. Shipments of baked goods from Mexico had been threatened with border closures and tariffs, which is significant given the U.S. accounted for 92.0% of Mexican exports in the 12 months to May 31. While the number of shipments from Mexico fell 1.0% year over year in May, the value of shipments climbed 6.5% – suggesting a mix of higher prices and more value-added products. The largest exporter of baked goods to the U.S. from Mexico in the past 12...

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