Trump Trade Deficit Focus Drawn by 6% Mexican Export Surge — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump Trade Deficit Focus Drawn by 6% Mexican Export Surge

Mexico 885 Trade Balance 932 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5323 USMCA 456

The U.S. advance goods deficit of $65.0 billion remained close to its highest since March 2015, including imports that increased 5% on a year earlier. This included a 9% increase in seaborne shipments, Panjiva data shows, and was lead by a 5% rise in imports of autos. Exports increased at a faster rate, with a 7% recovery in capital goods in December. Yet, the focus of President Trump remains on imports, and specifically those from Mexico. These climbed 6% in December, resulting in a goods surplus vs. the U.S. of $27 billion for the year. Mexico can ill-afford to play hard-ball – its non...

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