Wolverine Claws Its Way Down The Labor Cost Ladder — Panjiva

Wolverine Claws Its Way Down The Labor Cost Ladder

Bangladesh 39 Cambodia 24 China 3012 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 515 Dominican Rep 5 ESG 61 Guatemala 15 U.S. 5360 Vietnam 389

Shoemaker Wolverine Worldwide is in the midst of a long-term retooling of its supply chain. Mike Jeppesen, President of Global Operations, stated the firm has cut its sourcing from China 25% to 30% of the total by the end of 2018 from 90% in 2011 while increasing the share from Vietnam to 45%. Vietnam’s already become the largest source of supplies after a 30.1% year over year surge in the 12 months to Jun. 30 while China fell 0.1%. Yet, over the longer term Jeppesen expect to cut sourcing from Vietnam as “labor costs in Vietnam (are) slightly lower than in China, but it loses out agains...

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