Trump and May to Stay Hand-in-Hand-in-Trade — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trump and May to Stay Hand-in-Hand-in-Trade

Cons. Discr. - Autos 1185 Energy - Conventional 448 European Union 831 Health Care 354 Industrials - Aero/Defense 196 Politics 153 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5324 United Kingdom 371

President Trump has committed to continuing trade with the U.K. at current terms. While a deal can’t be signed until the U.K. has left the EU there is an implication that the President’s “America First” approach is consistent with current trade arrangements. This implies, of course, that the current system with the EU is consistent with it too. The U.K. runs a $2.2 billion trade surplus with the U.S. in the 12 months to November 30, while Panjiva data shows the biggest sectors for largest trade are aerospace, autos, pharmaceuticals and oil.

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