Supply Chain Edge: Aluminum sanctioned, Aries seized, Apple spreads — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Supply Chain Edge: Aluminum sanctioned, Aries seized, Apple spreads

Brazil 400 China 2988 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1196 Corp - Ports 890 Corp - Shipping 987 European Union 840 India 523 Indonesia 103 Info Tech - Comms Equip 235 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 813 Israel 22 Malaysia 149 Materials - Chemicals 248 Materials - Metals/Mining 764 Metals - Aluminum 257 Metals - Copper 71 Metals - Steel 526 Mode - Containerized 1483 Mode - Seaborne 1813 Russia 121 Sanctions 164 South Africa 46 South Korea 590 Tariffs 1810 Theme - Canals 136 U.S. 5335 United Kingdom 375 Vietnam 382

• The UK and US have applied new rules to limit Russia’s earnings from aluminum, copper and nickel, but the main result may just be shifting trade flows. The Biden administration is also launching a new range of aluminum and steel tariffs. Indonesia’s nickel policies may have claimed another victim, while the Chinese government is removing urea export restrictions.
• The Iranian government’s seizure of the M/V MSC Aries may disrupt supply chains in plastics and chemicals, while the risk of escalating action with Israel brings and increasing probability of the closure of the Strait ...

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